Specific Ways We Can Work Together to Achieve Your Business Goals:
- Social Media, Blog or PR Audits – or a comprehensive All-in-One Audit
- I review your progress and make recommendations on what’s working, what needs tweaking, and where to go next
- With report and consultation
- Social Media, Blog or PR Coaching
- To get you up to speed or to refine what you are already doing
- I often use my S.T.A.C.K the Deck in your Favor acronym to help craft a Strategy, find the right sites/Tools for your business, identify and meet your Audience’s needs, Create Conversation and connection with your customers, and yet to Keep it Simple. Click here for my Stack the Marketing Deck in your Favor Post for more info on my approach.
- Social Media, Blog or PR Consulting
- Small and medium-sized established businesses can hire me to consult with them on PR and/or social media & blogging projects.
- From creating complete marketing plans and campaigns to sitting in on phone/skype meetings and brainstorming effective social media plans – I work with you and/or your team to get results.
- Click here to see my post: Social Media Can Turn Cold Calls into Warm Leads
- PR & Marketing Project Consulting
- Writing press releases, social media releases, media pitches and blogger outreach (social media integration as needed)
- Integrating PR into your existing social media campaigns, or integrating social media into your existing marketing plans
- Usually tailored to a specific project, campaign or goal
- See my Profile on LinkedIn for testimonials/recommendations: http://LinkedIn.com/in/CathyLarkin
Specific Programs:
- Blog, Social Media, PR or All-in-One Audits as noted above
- Build a Blog (website) in 4-6 Weeks Program– Four one-hour coaching sessions, and work with a designer to:
- Set up and create a customer-centric website promoting your business on your own domain name (using the WordPress.org blogging software)
- Train you how to work with this easy-to-use software to post information, change info on your site, and to add images or video – and to do it all yourself (it’s not as hard as you may think).
- Teach you to craft strong blog posts to meet your client’s and customer’s needs, and keep them coming back to your site; how to write strong headlines and incorporate keywords on the site to attract search engine traffic; and how to craft a blog that will work for your business, and keep you interested too.
- This program can also be adapted to refresh an existing blog
- This program can also be used to add a blog to an existing website
- Build (or Tweak) your Social Media Footprint in 4-6 Weeks Program
- Identify the site you first need to target, based on your customer’s/client’s presence – LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.
- Craft a strategy to create a strong profile and develop content that will attract your audience/customers.
- Find the best tools to help you be effective on those sites – from apps and widgets to third-party software – and show you how to use them effectively.
- Show you how to apply what we’ve done to the next site on your list – what works on one site, may not work on another.
- This program works both for those new to social media, but I also adapt it to those already using the sites – who want to do it better, or who jumped in, but now need a social media plan to be more effective.
- Twitter 101 Coaching*
- Two – three coaching sessions to demystify how to use Twitter, be effective in your time on the site, and have fun
- You can Find me on Twitter as @CathyWebSavyPR
- I also offer *Advanced Twitter Coaching for those who want to be more effective, or who have a specific project they need assistance with
- Twitter Chat Consulting
- To help you (or a client) participate in, create/host or sponsor an online Twitter chat more effectively
- Click below for a link to an Anita Campbell of SmallBizTrends.com interviewing me on her Small Business Trend Radio show about “Twitter Chats as a Small Business Secret Weapon:” http://bit.ly/TwtrChatPodcast
- Also see my other site http://TwitterChatHelp.com
My Working Style:
I balance years of PR experience with innovative ways to implement these new media tools – tailored to the needs of each individual and business. I work to make all of this tech stuff easy for you to understand. I’m a bit geeky and know lots of tips, tricks, tools and short cuts – but I specialize in breaking it down so that you understand how things work and how to use them for your business. I ‘get’ tech talk, but can translate it into plain English for you and your staff.
Contact me for a free half hour session to discuss your small business needs and the best way to work together. To ask a question or to schedule a time to chat, click here to send an email via my contact page or call 484-802-7576 (ET).
For more on how we can work together – click on my main services page.