What is a social media expert?

My answer comes from a different perspective than others do: To me, it’s really the customer or client who decides who the experts are.  Many call themselves experts these days, especially in the rapidly expanding fields of social media, and online marketing and  PR. This post was sparked by a comment on Twitter.com (an online … Read more

Cathy Larkin’s Web Savvy PR Tip 1 – Social Branding

Web Savvy PR & Social Branding Tip #1: Original Twitter.com post: #WebSavvyPRTip 1- To build online brand & extend influence, use same username/ profile 4 all social Media sites https://websavvypr.com 4 more To build an online audience, expand your brand, and create repeat visitors, try using the same or similar usernames, and similar profile wording … Read more

Cathy Larkin Web Savvy PR Tips Series Intro

I’m posting a series of Web Savvy PR tips for small business, entrepreneurs, bloggers, speakers, authors, consultants, and non-profits to help folks share ways to use the social media and Online PR tools and to generate a conversation. My favorite quote is: “The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your … Read more

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