15 Tips: Help for Oprah’s New Twitter Fans

I just wanted to help out some of the folks who are new to Twitter from some of the major TV coverage. So I started tweeting out a few tips to new folks and thought I’d put them here. While the Oprha show was live. This post is a bit rough, I have taken the … Read more

How do you tweet? How To Use Twitter – One POV

How do you Tweet asked the bird to the beast? When I use the social networking site Twitter, and when I counsel my clients to use sites like Twitter, I seek balance in the type of a variety of the items that I post on all of my social networking sites. I’m posting this as, … Read more

How to Make Social Networking Messages Work For Your Readers

WebSavvyPRTip # 2 Give your last message on a SN site value, it may B 1st/last thing a follower sees https://websavvypr.com 4 more Short expansion of the idea – How to Make Social Networking Messages Work For Your Readers: Many of us talk about content being king, and about giving value to your audience in … Read more

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