Cathy Larkin’s Web Savvy PR Tip 1 – Social Branding

Web Savvy PR & Social Branding Tip #1: Original post: #WebSavvyPRTip 1- To build online brand & extend influence, use same username/ profile 4 all social Media sites 4 more To build an online audience, expand your brand, and create repeat visitors, try using the same or similar usernames, and similar profile wording … Read more

Cathy Larkin Web Savvy PR Tips Series Intro

I’m posting a series of Web Savvy PR tips for small business, entrepreneurs, bloggers, speakers, authors, consultants, and non-profits to help folks share ways to use the social media and Online PR tools and to generate a conversation. My favorite quote is: “The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your … Read more

New Client Excitement – How to be a Good Social Media Guide

I just had an initial phone meeting with a prospective new client, and I am excited. It allowed me to articulate several aspects of the PR / social networking niche I am filling: Social media strategist, or Social Media PR, no I like Social Media Guide – I don’t like 1st two over-used phrases, but … Read more

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